You may have heard in your physics classes back at school that the sunlight consists of a mixture of all colors of the spectrum – the phenomenon that becomes apparent when you look at the refracted white light by a prism or happen to see a rainbow or a reflection on a CD. Things have a certain color because their surface absorbs all colors of the spectrum but one which it reflects and which we perceive as the color of that surface.
Although these pencils are made of the same material, they each have a different pigment in their coating and tip that reflects a particular component of the white light. Consequently, the green pencil looks green to us because its material absorbs all components of the spectrum except the green one which it reflects. And here’s a question. As there’s no such thing as black light, how come the black pencil looks black to our eyes?
The answer is very simple. Black surface absorbs all components of the light and nothing gets reflected into the eye. The absence of light, of course, is darkness which we perceive as the black color.
No color can be seen in the darkness ’cause if there’s no light, there will be nothing to reflect. If nothing is reflected, all we “see” is darkness.
“… God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.” – 1 John 1:5
“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” – John 1:5
Light is good. Darkness is evil. Light rules over darkness. If you’re in a pitch black room and want to see around, all you need is a little light source, a flashlight, and the darkness is forced to leave the room. It doesn’t work the other way. There’s no such thing as a dark source or a flashdark that could cast a beam of darkness into an otherwise light room. That’s why darkness can never win light in this battle. It is the nature of things.
Yet, man can walk in total darkness. How? In physics we know that a very dark object can remain black even in intensive light given it is able to absorb all the light on its surface and reflect nothing. Such an object is called a black body. Something that dark must be very evil and it will cast a dark shadow underneath it simply by blocking the beams of light. Should you let it dwell on you, you’d be constantly walking in the valley of the shadow of death. By the way, to absorb all light also means to absorb all its energy. Excessive energy will cause things heat up a lot. Can you think of a place where there’s great evil and hot hot hot?
You don’t wanna go there.
Want to see true colors? Step out of the shadow. Let there be light in your life.
Loni Karapetyan says:
November 28, 2010 at 00:16
A round of applause for your post.Really thank you! Much obliged.